Today it is four months since Michaela Ejana went so suddenly into the light.
Has it become any easier for me to deal with this situation since then?
No, rather the opposite is the case, because I miss her more every day. When you, like us, have spent almost every single day (and night) together, have worked together, celebrated life so
intensely with each other, almost everything reminds you of what happens afterwards.
But what I have also realised (or rather, been made aware of) and which currently weighs even more heavily on my mind is how much the world needed her WARMTH, UNCONDITIONAL JOY OF LIFE and
SELFLESSNESS right now, in these difficult times with all the changes that are (or will be) affecting us all. This hurts me as a philanthropist, beyond all the personal loss.
Because these are exactly the qualities the world needs. Michaela Ejana exemplified them, without thinking of her own advantage... simply because she had it all.
‘Why her, why now?’, Of course, a senseless question, and yet it is so human to ask it.
I don't have an answer to that, but I know how I can come across, what I have in my hands... as a human being who was allowed to spend eleven years with this wonderful, holistic being - and THAT
makes sense:
I carry these qualities into the world, because they are in me, albeit buried due to numerous life experiences ‘in the time before Michaela’. But she has awakened them in me again,
(unfortunately) obviously including a final wake-up call. ‘That's life,’ sounds like a cliché, but it's just the way it is.
I continue her work in the time that remains to me, aware of these essential qualities - which I like to repeat as a mantra:
- Warm-heartedness
- Unconditional joy of life (probably the noblest task at the moment - at least for me)
- Selflessness... although in the current (mis)understanding of Western cultures, the ‘self’ is of course meant to refer to the ‘ego’ (the external me)
‘What about your work so far?’, I have been asked.
My answer to that: What is ‘mine’, what is ‘yours’, is that relevant in these times? The sources of life continue to flow naturally, now crystal clear, just as Michaela Ejana's presence is... in
places of well-being, in lived selflessness as part of the greater whole... and unconditional joy of life is also allowed to return (with the key being the ocean)... memories of times together
are integrated, full of love.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to my Anam Cara!
Wolfgang Maranius - in harmony with Ejana
How long will this, my condition, last? In this case, probably for the rest of my life. So it is important to integrate it (from a quantum physics point of view, nothing else is
possible) and the repression that is so deeply rooted in today's society is of no use at all, it does much more harm to one's own health. I can also give you this as a mindfulness teacher and
human energy therapist for life. The death of loved ones and dealing with it in a mindful and loving way is an indispensable part of life, as hard as it may seem ...
... I found my task for the new ages ....
... not only looking ahead, but also behind you, down, inwards and upwards... all the way to the stars!
Contact and exchange: wolfgang@theconsciousways.net